Open Bible Learning Group offers online Study Packs, Face 2 Face and Zoom events each week.
To receive an online Study Pack or to Contact Us, please complete the form below.
Sunday Bible Talks Each Sunday Talks, Presentations and Seminars on wide variety of Bible topics
Bible Shorts Specially 5 minute Video introductions to key Bible topics now on our YouTube channel Find out more
Mid-Week Seminar This March "Hope in an otherwise dark world" 3 exciting Wednesday seminars Find out more
Seminars and Talks on Zoom Can't be there in person then join in on Zoom Find out more
Open Bible Learning Group offers online Study Packs, Face 2 Face and Zoom events each week.
To receive an online Study Pack or to Contact Us, please complete the form below.
0800 0197 125 To leave a message 24 hours a day
The Reading Rooms
73 High Street
CM12 9AS